God's beloved ones


Tammie.Abby heng.Huimin.

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designer of this skin? hope. resources obtained from gender and swimchick.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Amazing by Paradise Live
You are amazing,

Forever saving,
Captured by the power of Your love,

Jesus i worship you.

I am speechless before you,
I am nothing without you,
I adore you my Lord my God,
My saving grace.

Jesus all i live to do,
Is to love you my God.
I stand amazed,

Captured by your grace.
Let me seek your grace and stand in awe of you.
I stand in awe of you.

I love this song so so much not just because of the tune but i love the lyrics. Everytime when i worship God with this song i will just break down and sob because of the beauty of God's love. I feel i dont deserve all these, i dont deserve his love because time and time again i will break his heart, time and time again i will stray away from Him.I thank God that this year He gave me a new spirit of worship and i am beginning to understand what it means to worship in spirit and in truth.
I was spending sometime reading Luke 15 this story everyone knows very well it is about the Prodigal son. It reminds so much of myself how i have left home and take off to a faraway country, to a place where God cannot see me. But like the son the world outside without the covering of our Father is so harsh and painful. You will only come back battered and injured and lost. Do you see the father he is always looking at the faraway land to wait for the return of his son and this is what exactly our heavenly Father do, wait forlornly for us and in the near distance he will come running for us. He did not remember my faults when i choose to return but with compassion and mercy he still gave the best for me. He will clothe me with a new robe of righteousness and disposed of the old self. He forgives me not just once but again and again though i keep making the same mistakes. Jesus was asked by Peter. Matthew 18:21 - 'Lord, how many times shall i forgivel my brother when he sins against me,? Up to seven times?

Jesus said, Matthew 18:22 - "I tell you, not seven times: but, seventy times seven."

So you see, God, Our Father, who Is The Lord Jesus, forgives us untold numbers of times- not dwelling on our sin or trespasses, but Loving us Infinitely.

Do you suppose a chunk of coal, as it is being squeezed under pressure into to a diamond, says, I am ugly, and no good? Does it say, I am dirty? We are being changed into God's jewels, and when we are crystal clear, like a diamond, HIS Glorious light can shine through us. A diamond merely reflects the light, and without the light a diamond has no beauty. It is the same with us, we reflect Jesus through us, without Jesus (who is the Light of Love) we have no beauty.

Without his amazing love i may have no confidence to face the tomorrow because you just dont know what is lying ahead of me may be pitholes which i might never be able to climb up. Jesus doesnt care what i have done but just want me to understand his love for me. There are times when i feel so lonely and cold but God never fail to illuminate my life with even a spark. If someone gives such amazing love then what are you waiting for? Accept it and accept the robe of righteousness put upon us. Dont wait for God to come knocking at the door though he is always outside of your heart, open it up to let the saviour come to heal every pain and hurt.
So let us not dwell on the faults that we see in ourselves or others. The devil wants us to see ourselves as evil, and see our brethren as evil. The devil wants us to dwell on sin and find fault. The devil is the accuser. But God always give us a second chance or even third chance and more.

You know the 2 family that God has blessed me with is his amazing love for me. Thank you dear daughters, sisters and mother.


I'm Gonna Touch the Sky!
10:45 PM