God's beloved ones


Tammie.Abby heng.Huimin.

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designer of this skin? hope. resources obtained from gender and swimchick.

Monday, November 27, 2006

King David sinned lusting after Bathsheba and killed Uriah her husband...the consequences prevail

2 Sam 12 Nathan rebukes David
The Lord spoke through prophet Nathan; God of Israel, says: 'I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave your master's house to you, and your master's wives into your arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. Why did you despise the word of the LORD by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.'

in the end God could not give David everything He had prepared for him becos of his sin...

consequences David had to face...
Death - 2Sam12:13-14 "You are not going to die….the son born to you will die."
Violence - his son Absolom killed his half brother Ammon and sexually abused his sister Tamar.
Shame - Absolom also rebelled against him and went to lay with ten of David's concubines...it became disgrace in the town of Israel

Psalm 32:1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit...

David came to things from a different perspective and realised that there is truly nothing better than living at peace with God.

One time act of a lustful king brought a curse upon his life and almost brought about the downfall of his kingdom. prophet Nathan rebuke David. His repentance was genuine and broken over having offended the Lord. His prayer...'The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart - these, O God, You will not despise (Psalm51:17)

Its broken and contrite heart that we need...not about pride or success...we need the Holy Spirit, it has no power because we fail to see His power. God wants to restore each of us just like how he restored David. Today, let the Holy Spirit have full reign in our lives…a broken a contrite heart to seek the Lord, to simply tell Him we choose to live in His will.

I'm Gonna Touch the Sky!
12:36 AM