God's beloved ones


Tammie.Abby heng.Huimin.

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designer of this skin? hope. resources obtained from gender and swimchick.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I Chronicles 16:11 Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually.

It has been a bad morning for me. Maybe because i am still reveling in the joy of the weekends. Good times always seems to zoom or flash by. I woke up giving lots of excuses why i should not go to school, i was hoping that the breakfast hour for me will be longer but i realised that if i delayed more i will be really late for school. With that attitude, i dragged my feet to school and came juz on the dot when the school bell rang.

I was in no mood to laugh and joke and kept a stern face. Firm with my students and in no mood to listen to their excuses for not bringing this and that. That is so NOT me. No smile, no joy. Thank God i had a long break in the morn before my official lesson. I realised i have not started my day allowing God to take control. I did have a short prayer for God to refresh me but it was done out of a need to do it but not with a heart to do it. AS i walked past the parade square looking at the students having their PE lesson, these words flashed across my mind. 12 BVSS students to know GOD. I rem vaguely that it was shown in the video that my daughters have made for me. At this point i broke down and repented before the Lord for putting him out of my school life. AS i sat down to spend some time with Him i am struggling still coz i have many things in my basket waiting for me to clear but i realised i need to seek Him in my life to stay in tune with Him.

I think many of us have sang out of tune before either the key is too high or too low and an out of tune piece of music is jarring to the ears i believe. Likewise an out of tune life with the Lord will not bring peace and harmony. I believe it would make a difference if I went to the Lord first, asking Him. Asking Him for some long range plans, perhaps; some visions He would give me, and some everyday opportunities in my life. I am beginning to see the importance of seeking the Lord for strength everyday in the morn esp and my prayer today is that i will be a blessing to someone, knowing it to be the will of God. How satisfying it is to know God has used you each day to bless someone else!

I have so much more to espress but shall crytalise my thoughts first and come back again. I want to grow deep in my walk with God it begins with me putting the urgent things aside to make this intentional effort to be with my master and Father.

I will be a blessing to my students !!!!

I'm Gonna Touch the Sky!
8:43 AM