God's beloved ones


Tammie.Abby heng.Huimin.

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designer of this skin? hope. resources obtained from gender and swimchick.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

hmmm... i thank god for this g12 conference that he renewed me and prepared me to face the world again.

every new day, before the start of the conference, i told god that i want the revelation of the cross, i want to encounter Him again. and on the last day, the last worship session, i saw myself in my mind worshipping god. i "stared" at myself(the mental picture) and saw a different me. i saw myself smiling, with great confidence, standing unashamed in front of God. and i told god that by faith, i am going to be that victorious woman, worshipping Him. even as i am being tempted in many ways, in my mind, in my emotions, in my heart, i tell myself that i am victorious.

and another powerful thing i learn is that i have the authority as a daughter of God. or should i say i have god's aunthority, not saying that i am god but His hands and blessings are with me. i dunno how to explain how great it is a blessing but i know that once we realise this fact, it sets us free from any bondage and it allows us to do the impossible.
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Gal 3:28

and during the conference, i thank god for my sisters, seeing their fevour in god, seeing how serious in god they are and how hungry they are for god. i am glad and proud to be running this race of faith with them.

and i thank god too that i can hear from Ps Cesar. his words has power to unlock bondages and this power comes from god. i was sharing with joy that the only thing i remembered from last year's conference is the most powerful thing is the word of testimony and confession of mouth that Jesus is Lord. and i thank god that Ps Cesar preaches simple and powerful messages of faith to empower me.

so let's go and be the beacon of GOd:)


I'm Gonna Touch the Sky!
12:45 PM